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3 min de lectura

Ethereum: Get historical balance of ETH and ERC-20 Tokens


Understanding of the historical balance of Ethereum and token ERC-20

As a developer or investor interested in Blockchain technology, monitoring the balance of Ethereum (ETH) and token ERC-20 is crucial to make informed decisions. In this article, we will explore how to get historical sales of Token Eth and Erc-20 using web tools such as Etherscan.

What are the ERC-20 token?

The ERC-20 tokens are a type of decentralized intelligent contracting contract that operates on Ethereum’s blockchain. They can be used as a means of exchange for goods and services or as an investment vehicle. The ERC-20 token are designed to be compatible with the Ethereum network, allowing them to interact with the Ethereum ecosystem.

Get historic sales of Eth and Token Erc-20

To obtain historical sales of Token Eth and Erc-20, you will have to:

  • Familiarizing with Etherscan

    Ethereum: Get historical balance of ETH and ERC-20 Tokens

    : Etherscan is a popular web tool that provides access to data from the Ethereum Blockchain blocking chain, including transactions history. To use Etherscan, visit [ lasting ( and subscribe to an account.

  • Use the «Historical Sales» function : on Etherscan, go to the «Wallet» or «Account» tab and click on the «Historical Sales» connection. This will lead you to a page that shows a list of historical transactions relating to your wallet or account.

  • Filter for Token : Inside the «Historical Sales» page, you can filter the results by selecting the ERC-20 tokens to which you are interested, such as ETH (Ethereum), Dai (Dai) or Bat (Binance Smart Chain).

  • Sorting and paying results

    : it is possible to order historical sales per date, block number or transactions count to perfect the search.

  • Down : Once filtered and ordered the results, click on the «Download» link to export data to CSV or other compatible formats.

Example of historical sales by Eth and Token Erc-20

Here is an example of how the historical sales for a user who has token eth (Ethereum) and Dai (Come on) could appear::

| Date | Block number | Ether | Ethereum address | From |

| — | — | — | — | — |

| 2022-01-01 | 1 | 10.5 | 0x1234567890ABCDEF | 100.0 |

| 2022-02-01 | 5 | 20.8 | 0x234567890Defghijklmn | 80.0 |

| 2022-03-01 | 10 | 30.1 | 0x3456789012345678 | 100.0 |


Getting historical sales of Token Eth and Erc-20 is a simple process that requires familiarity with the set of Etherscan web tools. By filtering for token, by ordering the results and downloading the data in CSV format, it is possible to easily trace the balance of these tokens over time.

Additional resources

  • Etherscan: [ Lasting (

  • Ethereum blockchain Documentation: [ lasting (

  • ERC-20 TOKEN SPECIFICATIONS: [ Lasting ( /main/

By following these steps and using the Etherscan web tool, it is possible to obtain valuable information on the historical sales of Token Eth and Erc-20, helping you make informed decisions on investments or trading in these activities.