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Ethereum: How does a wallet get the public key from an address?


Understanding Ethereum Wallets: Unpacking Public Keys from Address

As a new cryptocurrency enthusiast or development, it is important to understand how Ethereum’s Wallets keep and Manage Private Keys. Despite its simplicity, understanding of the Internal Operation of Ethereum’s Wallets is essential for creating safe transactions and managing funds on the platform.

The public. At first

Address Format

Ethereum Addresses Consist of Three Parts:

Prefix : 4-Typeword String That Identifies The Network (EG «0x», «0xb9»)

  • Group : Alphanumeric String Denoting a Unique Wallet or Account Identifier

Hash : 64 Character Hexadecimal String that SERVES as Checksum

Finding a Public Key

When creating an Ethereum address, there is a public key. This public key is not the same as the private key used to sign transactions.

The process of obtaining a public key from the address is related to:

  • Address parsing : The safe or smart contract takes the address and parses it in its components.

  • Group Extraction :

Hash Analysis

: Wallet Analyzes hash to determine if it is valid and related to the account owner.

Why need a public key?

Ethereum: How does a wallet get the public key from an address?

The Wallet Needs to know this information:


  • Check account ownership :

Example of Use of Use

Let’s say you have an Ethereum wallet with the 0x1234567890abcdef. The appropriate private key is securely stored in the wallet. To recover a public key, you would do this:


  • Remove the Group (eg «123456»).

  • Analyze hash to check if it is valid.

The Ethereum.


Prefix, they actually store account or purse information. The Process of obtaining a public key from the address includes the address, obtaining the group and hash analysis to determine its validity. This understanding is essential for creating safe transactions on Ethereum and effective management of funds.

The Ethereum Purse in the World and, Interacting with the Platform, make conscious decisions.

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