3 min de lectura
Metamask: How to get current Network name in Metamask api?
Get the current RPC network name in API Metamask
As a developer, access to the current RPC network name (called remote procedure) in the Metamask portfolio can be useful to check which network users are being connected to. Although there is no official way to access the Net’s name directly through the Metamask bees, we will explore alternative approaches and methods that can help you achieve this.
Method 1: Using Window.ethereum.Networkversion '
As you said, the property is the network of the object 'Window.ethereum returns the current network ID. This approach is simple but only provides information on the underlying blockchain network (for example Ethereum), not on the specific RPC name.
Here is a snippet of example code that shows how to use this method:
GetNetwork function () {
Return Window.ethereum.Networkversion;
// Use GetNetworks in your application
Console.log (GetNetwork ());
Method 2: Using theEthers.js library
TheEthers.js, a popular level of compatibility of the Ethereum Smart contract provides an API to interact with the Blockchain Ethereum. The property is networking of the object 'provider' returns the current network ID.
import {eters} from ‘eters’;
GetNetwork function () {
Const Provider = New Ethers.providers.web3Prier (Window.ethereum);
Return Provider.networkid;
// Use GetNetworks in your application
Console.log (GetNetwork ());
Method 3: Using the beesinfura.io
Infura.io is a popular platform to host Ethereum nodes and provide access to various blockchain bees. Their bees can be used to recover information on the current RPC network.
Here is a snippet of example code that shows how to use the infura bee:
Import Axios from «Axios»;
Const Response = wait axios.get (‘
Return Response.data.network;
// Use GetNetworks in your application
Console.log (GetNetwork ());
Method 4: Using the propertyRPC ‘of the object’ Web3
The objectWeb3provides an API to interact with the Ethereum Blockchain. The property
RPC ‘returns an array containing information on all connected RPC nodes.
import {web3} from ‘web3’;
GetNetwork function () {
Const Provider = New Web3.Priders.web3Prier (Window.ethereum);
Provider.rpc return;
// Use GetNetworks in your application
Console.log (GetNetwork ());
Method 5: using a personalized solution withWindow.ethereum
To create a personalized solution that allows you to access the current RPC Network Name, you can use the Window.elereum API.
Here is a snippet of example code that shows how to implement it:
GetNetwork function () {
Return Window.ethereum.network;
// Use GetNetworks in your application
Console.log (GetNetwork ());
Keep in mind that these methods may not provide accurate information on the current RPC network name, as it depends on various factors such as nodes and network configurations.
Although there is no official way to access the Net’s name directly using the Metamask API, it is possible to use alternative approaches and bookstores to recover this information. By experimenting with these methods and exploring the documentation for each bookstore, you should be able to determine which approach is best suited to your needs.